Awakening First People

Rodnie Groomer, D.Min., has been active in the ministry for over thirty years in various roles. Formerly an executive faculty member of Christ For The Nations in Dallas, Texas, he taught the Word of God and directed the Global Missions Major with college age students for over fifteen years.  

Rodnie co-founded GeoBound, a non-profit 501(C)3 organization in 2002, along with his wife, Celeste, which is spearheading the Native American Initiative (NAI) that seeks to bring awareness to Native American issues. This initiative also provides Biblical and leadership training for Native Americans to reach America and the indigenous people groups of the world with the Gospel. 

Native American Christians, the “sleeping giant” of evangelism, are being called upon like never before, to be voices of healing, lead a Biblical awakening and a move of the Holy Spirit in the land. There is a heavenly calling for them to rise up as spiritual warriors into their place of leadership in the global Body of Christ. 

There is a forward momentum in this new Jesus Movement of forgiveness concerning the atrocities and broken treaties against their descendants. It’s time for the U.S. Government to make a public apology to this present generation to foster healing in America. Nevertheless, First Nations Christian leadership is leading the way to forgive without an apology, in hopes of fostering healing for America the Beautiful. This book is about the power of God’s Word in forgiveness and spiritual warfare. It’s about the Native American Initiative to bring Biblical training to impact America, Israel and the indigenous tribes of the earth.