Monthly Newsletter
Since 1983, Rod and I have been connected to Christ For The Nations. As students of a missions based Bible School, it was nearly impossible to graduate and not consider how God could use us anywhere in the world.
It seemed as though it happened over night, but Israel found herself in the cross hairs of a sadistic terrorist attack.
Reporting for Geobound Partners, Donna and Eldon Bryce, cofounders of FEED A CHILD in Haiti.
Every year, during the Christmas season, the story of Christ’s miraculous birth is played out on stages and pageants all over the world.
Fear and panic in large-scale proportions are unfolding in the world, but there are specific instructions from Jesus, Himself, NOT to give ANY place for them to infiltrate one’s mind or heart.
As we have continued to plant seed in the Native American Initiative we were very encouraged by what we heard the Lord saying among many ministers in this season.

It’s time for joy to overflow. The seasons have changed.