One can only imagine what it must be like to live for Christ in a land that was dedicated to the powers of darkness? Yet, Haiti has BELIEVERS! Make no mistake about that. The work of too many unsung-hero-missionaries has seen to it. The nameless evangelists who travel village to village to make disciples of Christ, the secret intercessors who continue to bombard the heavenly realms with their prayers, and the bold pastors who dare to lead their congregations in spite of the hellish darkness that has shrouded Haiti’s soil: they all should be applauded and celebrated!
“Jesus states, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone [just one grain, never more]. But if it dies, it produces much grain and yields a harvest.””
A young missionary couple recently paid the ultimate price for their absolute love of Haiti’s people. Davy and Natalie Lloyd, Directors of Missions In Haiti Inc., married less than two years, were martyred together with their Haitian partner, Judes Montis. Montis left behind a wife and two young children.
Davy and Natalie Lloyd
But life will yet come again, because it is in the darkest hours that Christianity glows. They became the beloved seeds of revival that turned the hearts of many.
So how do Haiti’s believers stand in the darkness? They stand in their faith because they have been introduced to Jesus. They have nothing but Him. They stand because they have the valued partnership of fellow believers all around the world. They have YOU and ME to pray for them, and liberally give so that they might literally live. Thank you for being Christ’s solution to the darkness in Haiti.
If you would like to donate to FEED A CHILD Ministry, please go to our donation page and select: Haiti Children: Food, Orphanages & Education.