In the natural world, “seasons” denote differing weather patterns like: hurricane season, tornado season, monsoon season, and dry season. But depending on where you live on the planet, many experience the changing of four specific seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. It’s a continual cycle ordained by God.
In the spiritual world, seasons manifest in cycles as well. These “seasons” are called “times”. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states: “There is a season (an appointed time) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven.” God has spiritual seasons that offer an ebb and flow in walking with Him. Times of growth, times of faith, times of listening, times of pursuing, times of sacrifice, times of advancing, every season under the sun is a gift from Him to experience all that a particular season brings.
For the past twenty-three years, seasons have flowed and changed in Geobound’s ministry. The mission has always been the same, but the seasons brought new ways to propel the mission forward. Since the very beginning, the Geobound mission has stayed the same, “To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through the establishing, developing and supporting of Christian: missionaries, churches, leadership, projects, out-reaches and operations worldwide.” Throughout the years, some seasons produced more of one aspect of the mission than others. But to every season there is a specific length of time, and to recognize when that season changes and a new one begins, is just as vitally important.
In 2016, Geobound relocated from Red Oak, Texas, to the Cherokee Nation Reservation in Kansas, Oklahoma. Several seasons merged together for the past many years; parental care-giving, evangelistic outreach, prayer, and Bible curriculum development.
A season of care-giving came to a close this past December as the last living parent was laid to rest. One season changed in order for other seasons to accelerate. Time spent in care-giving has now transformed into writing, traveling and touching more lives with the Gospel of Christ.
The old saying, “Seasons come and seasons go,” is quite true. As one season ends, it gives way to a budding new season of growth. Geobound is now entering a season of broadened Bible Training development, new podcast segments, evangelistic strategies, prayer initiatives, and publishing projects. Anticipating answers to promise-filled prayers, that have been sowed for many seasons, creates an excitement for the future.
Paul the Apostle stated in Philippians 4:4, “Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let your joy overflow!”
It’s time for joy to overflow. The seasons have changed.