Since 1983, Rod and I have been connected to Christ For The Nations. As students of a missions based Bible School, it was nearly impossible to graduate and not consider how God could use us anywhere in the world. As He prompted us to go to the nations, we went. And when we pastored in the States we saw the Lord’s faithfulness in every endeavor. At home or abroad our two-year training at CFNI launched us into ministry.
In 2000, we returned to Christ For The Nations to serve on staff, train mission students, and have the privilege of serving CFNI in numerous capacities. Upon our departure in 2015, we accepted the roles of advisory council board members, but for the last several years, Rod has served as a board member and consultant to the missions departments.
Now with over 40 years of connection we carry a rich inheritance from CFNI, from our training as students, to numerous alumni gatherings and conferences we attended, to serving on staff and in leadership. Christ For The Nations has faithfully pursued the presence of God and taught the pursuits of God. Our Native American Initiative Bible Training Series Program came about through a partnership with CFNI and would not have been possible without the depth of studies by CFNI co-founder, Gordon Lindsay.
We are incredibly blessed to continue to watch CFNI train this generation of students in Bible studies and inundate them in the powerful Presence of the Holy Spirit through worship.