Geobound's worldwide reach in 2023

2023 could be described in Biblical terms as a year of “wars and rumors of wars.” (Matthew 24:6) Yet, even with so many war-torn, troubling regions all over the world, Geobound continued to further God’s love in many places.

The nations of Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Haiti, Israel, Peru, and Native American lands received finances and the love of God was expressed through the hands and feet of those stationed there. Because of your giving, Geobound continued to share the hope of Christ, giving the opportunity for a brighter future to those who will meet Him through several ministries and partners.

Though 2024 may increase in “troubling times,” standing on God’s Word, and listening to His Voice will promise peace through all of it, giving a hope and a future.


May the Lord richly bless you and give you peace.