A First Nations Missions Ministry - To bring hope to the hopeless, restore the broken, and make those forgotten of man know they are not forgotten by God.
Jimmy & Laureen Baker - USA
In early August of 2012, the Bakers, began stepping into the ministry that God had for them by moving to the Counselor/Lybrook, New Mexico area and joined with Christ For All Nations Mission there. They have been Missionaries at Christ For All Nations to the Native American people. The main group of Native Americans in this region are Navajo.
The Bakers have provided food and clothing on the mission as well as the ongoing ministry of providing for spiritual needs through counseling, Bible study, children's ministry, prayer and home visitation.
During the summer the Baker family reaches out even more to the community when short term mission teams arrive. Ministry often includes: youth and children's ministry, Vacation Bible Schools with special services, construction projects, etc. Christ For All Nations (CFAN) is a dispersement area for water to many people without running water as well.
The Bakers have seen just a glimpse of what the Lord desires. God's plans for this region of the Native American people are even more than they can imagine. They are very excited to seeing what God has in store for the Native American people.